Monday, February 1, 2010

Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian Indipendence movement.Gandhi commonly known aroud the world as "Mahatma Gandhi".He was born on second october 1869.The "Satyagraha" movement led to Indipendence.Gandhi is known as the "Father of nation" and his birthday is celibrated as a national holiday.His nonviolent ways and peaceful methods where the foundation for gaining the indipendence from the british.He went off to South Africa After marriage and worked as barrister for twenty years.The Quit India movement was launched under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi in August 1942.Sathyagraha was the first major success of Mahatma Gandhi in his stuggle towards Indian's freedom.As the world war 2 progressed,Mahatma Gandhi intensified his protests for the compleate Indipendence of the Indian subcontinent.He drafted a resolution calling for the british to Quit India."The Quit India movement " or "The Bharat Chhodo Andolan" was the most aggresive revolt of the Indian national congress(INC) with the gaining complate exit of the British from India.After the Quit India movement freedom struggle got even more intence and passionate.Entire India was united together in the movement for freedom.India gained its Indipendence on the 15th August 1947.Gandhi followed many principles in his whole life they are Truth,Nonviolence,Vegitarianism,Simplicity,faith in god.

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